
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2019

Who should hold the fort?

After all the infomation gathered, I can say that men and women are capable about supporting a familiy. We are used to think that women should only dedicate theirselves on house work and men must work and provide money. This is an old-fashioned thought. The world is changing and so are famlilies. Now we don´t follow that stereotype, moreover, this idea of the traditional family is being forgotten and modern families are taking place.  I can also say that women are gaining power. We are starting to get more equality as men. We live in a society where there´s the idea that women are inferior that men, but I´m sure that this kind of thoughts are going to change withe the pass of the years. One day we are going to have a world with same opportunites for men and women.

Interview international

By Daniela Pérez

Interview international

By Daniela Martínez

Interview international

Sofia García

Interview (national)

By Daniela Pérez

Women´s empowerment

According with the article and the videos, we can say that the gender inequality within a family role come from the education we give to the children. It says that girls are more asked to do housework than the boys. In consequence this dynamic develops a different thought in each gender: girls learn that the housework is their responsibility and boys learn that the girl will do the job for them. In conclusion the inequality come from the house-education and it impacts in the family roles. But nowadays these stereotypes are a thing of the past. Since 1940, women who now work and provide money have increased 5 times more, and now men are more attached to house chores. To develop healthy family roles they establish clear roles, this means that they must be clearly identifiable. All the family members should accept the changing of their roles. Every member is responsible for realizing certain roles. These roles are spread among the various members so that no one is asked to take ...

Family roles nowadays

Family roles are old-fashioned To explain this we need to know what a family role is and why it is important. A family role is all actions and behaviors a person has in family. It is important because it brings balance and organization to the family. Within the family roles there is authority. We all know that a family isn´t a democracy, and for a family to works it needs to have levels in authority like the parents are the authority and the children the ones who follows the rules stablished by the parents.  Until here everything seems to be okay but it isn´t okay because there is inequality gender.  Family roles were invented a long time ago, when the gender equality was ridiculous, but now we live in a world who is constantly looking for the equality and it is so wrong to keep following those roles that are not adapted to this time.  Within family roles it says that it exists a maternal role which it is the one who is emotional, protective and the one who looks a...

Family roles nowadays

Family roles are the recurrent patterns of behavior by which individuals fulfill family functions and needs. A gender role, is a social role that covers a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for people according to their sex. Many groups have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles, equality must exist and we should not pay attention to stereotypes. Today, the idea that women are the ones who stay at home and men should go to work is not very supported, although many people think exactly like that. By Daniela Martínez

Family roles nowadays

If we compare nowadays families with the past ones, we are going to see that they have really changed .  Although some families today are more distant from each other and have fewer rules to maintain order, there are still some that maintain the same styles of the families years ago.  In the past there was a stereotype: the mother should stay at home and do chores, like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children; the father sholud go to work and provide money to the family. Nowadays, in some families, the mother and father both have jobs, in others the mother is the one who works and the father takes care of the children. The stereotype is now in the past. Families in the past also used to be bigger, but now it's weird to see a couple with more than 3 children.  F amily structures have changed dramatically over the last few decades. The role of the mother and father aren´t stablished. In my opinion, nowadays the parents don´t pay much attention to their childre...
Mexico suffers great social inequality and lack of opportunities. Itis within 25% with the highest levels of inequality in the world and is one of the two most unequal in the OECD.  The issue of extreme inequality should be put on the table since the conditions of inequality in our country are such that 1% of the population owns 43% of all wealth in Mexico.