Who should hold the fort?

After all the infomation gathered, I can say that men and women are capable about supporting a familiy. We are used to think that women should only dedicate theirselves on house work and men must work and provide money. This is an old-fashioned thought. The world is changing and so are famlilies. Now we don´t follow that stereotype, moreover, this idea of the traditional family is being forgotten and modern families are taking place. 
I can also say that women are gaining power. We are starting to get more equality as men. We live in a society where there´s the idea that women are inferior that men, but I´m sure that this kind of thoughts are going to change withe the pass of the years. One day we are going to have a world with same opportunites for men and women.

Resultado de imagen para igualdad de genero
Resultado de imagen para igualdad de genero
