Family roles nowadays

Family roles are old-fashioned
To explain this we need to know what a family role is and why it is important. A family role is all actions and behaviors a person has in family. It is important because it brings balance and organization to the family. Within the family roles there is authority. We all know that a family isn´t a democracy, and for a family to works it needs to have levels in authority like the parents are the authority and the children the ones who follows the rules stablished by the parents.  Until here everything seems to be okay but it isn´t okay because there is inequality gender. 
Family roles were invented a long time ago, when the gender equality was ridiculous, but now we live in a world who is constantly looking for the equality and it is so wrong to keep following those roles that are not adapted to this time. 
Within family roles it says that it exists a maternal role which it is the one who is emotional, protective and the one who looks after the kids. It also says that it exists a paternal role who is the one who play with the kids, teach them things like repair the sink and is the one who brings the money to the house. 
As we can see the family roles have affected the way we think about a gender and that thought has expanded to many aspects causing inequality. An example of this is the access to financial services. 
According to the web site gender index the equality in rights to access to a bank account are equal to  0 considering that the data were measured from 0 (the lowest) to 1(the highest)

In my opinion we need to change the concept we have of a family role. It is a fact that family roles are needed to keep the balance in a family, but they need to be equal for each gender. They would work if it didn´t exits an inequality in the gender. If we changed since now the concept that we have of how a role it is supposed to be like, we would get the equality between genders. Because the discrimination and inequality come right from the family. So, let´s start changing the family roles, let´s adapted them to our new world.

By Sofía García
