Family roles nowadays

If we compare nowadays families with the past ones, we are going to see that they have really changedAlthough some families today are more distant from each other and have fewer rules to maintain order, there are still some that maintain the same styles of the families years ago. 
In the past there was a stereotype: the mother should stay at home and do chores, like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children; the father sholud go to work and provide money to the family. Nowadays, in some families, the mother and father both have jobs, in others the mother is the one who works and the father takes care of the children. The stereotype is now in the past. Families in the past also used to be bigger, but now it's weird to see a couple with more than 3 children. 

Family structures have changed dramatically over the last few decades. The role of the mother and father aren´t stablished. In my opinion, nowadays the parents don´t pay much attention to their children as they used to do, and this can be a big problem. Children are more independent now, and sometimes, don´t recognize the authority of their parents.

Resultado de imagen para modern families

By Daniela Pérez
